After years of living on a sailboat with limited electricity, Rogue Hippo has returned to the power grid and one of the more exciting benefits is the ability to play video games once again. I’m almost exclusively a PC gamer so I took a look at my vast, unplayed Steam/GOG libraries and dove in. Here’s a look of what I’ve been playing…
Alien Breed: Impact & Alien Breed 2: Assault

Rogue Hippo’s Review Score: 6.5/10
Alien Breed is a top-down shooter in which you are one of the few survivors of a spaceship that has been overrun by deadly creatures. Each level tasks you with fighting your way through the ship to reach various objectives. You’ll find the usual weapons along the way (assault rifle, shotgun, flamethrower, grenades, etc.) which can all be upgraded to better mow down hordes of blood-thirsty critters. This is a trilogy but I only played 1 & 2 which each took about 7 hours to complete.
PROS- There’s a lot of action and jump-scares as you can get attacked anytime and from anywhere. It has a bit of an Aliens vibe to it which is always a plus in my book. The game features a multiplayer, co-op mode which I didn’t get to experience but I would expect to be the most enjoyable way to play (this game feels like Left4Dead but with aliens).
CONS– Each level starts to feel repetitive. The missions, aliens, weapons & upgrades could all use a little more variety; especially the missions which all seem to take some form of: Restart the core which requires turning on the backup power which requires a password which requires a keycard, etc. That’s essentially your mission every level and it’s really just a way to force you to explore the entire ship and blast things.
CONCLUSION- There’s not a lot of depth to these games but they certainly satisfy the itch when you just want to torch some aliens. Plus, you can buy the entire trilogy on Steam for $2.29 (as of this writing).
The Lord of the Rings Online

Rogue Hippo’s Review Score: 7.5/10
If you’ve played any MMORPG’s in the past 20 years, put a Middle Earth spin on it and you’ll have an idea of what to expect from Lord of the Rings Online. You’ll complete quests, fight baddies, gain XP, acquire loot, travel to different zones and die occasionally. Combat is pretty standard (tanks, support, buffs, AOE, DPS, abilities with cool-down timers, etc.) Honestly, there’s nothing new or groundbreaking in LOTRO but you play it because you’re a Tolkien fan and it doesn’t disappoint in that regard.
PROS- This game is huge. I’ve logged about 25 hours of playtime and I’ve only explored some of the areas around The Shire and Bree. It’s clear that they really took the time bring Middle Earth to life. I’m really excited to explore some of the more dangerous locations like Moria and Mordor but I’m not high enough level yet. Crafting appears to be equally as massive and I haven’t even scratched the surface of that rabbit hole yet.
CONS– It’s a “free” MMORPG which means constant attempts to get you to fork over your money. You’ll notice it almost immediately (certain classes require you to pay) and some of the tricks are downright dirty (you can never have more than 2 gold unless you pay to have the limit removed). I paid that ransom to unlock my gold limit (it cost me $5, Precious) but I worry about other similar tricks as I advance through the game.
CONCLUSION- If you’re an LOTR fan, this is the MMORPG for you. I’ve enjoyed it so far and I expect my rating will increase as I get to explore more interesting areas of Middle Earth. However, I admit that being stuck doing quests in the newb areas has felt a little “grindy” at times.
Mark of the Ninja

Rogue Hippo’s Review Score: 8.5/10
Mark of the Ninja is a 2D stealth platformer in which you play a powerful ninja who gets sent on various missions ranging from assassinating enemies to rescuing members of your clan. In each level, you’ll have to overcome obstacles and silently dispatch your enemies while remaining undetected. To accomplish this, you acquire a nice array of tools at your disposal (spike traps, darts, smoke, noise makers, etc.) which can be expanded/upgraded as you progress through the game.
PROS- The controls are fantastic which is essential for a game like this. There’s no room for error when you’ve got 2 seconds to wall-jump off of a ledge, grapple onto a lamppost, lower yourself above an unwary guard and strike at the precise moment. Fortunately, Mark of the Ninja nailed the controls. It’s also nice that you can choose which tools to use/upgrade which allows you to complete missions based on your preferred playstyle.
CONS– Being spotted by the guards often boils down to whether or not the game algorithm has a guard turn his head during the 2 seconds that you’re visible as you make your move. This can be frustrating at times.
CONCLUSION- This game may be the pinnacle of 2D stealth platforming. I just wish it were longer.
The Flame in the Flood

Rogue Hippo’s Review Score: 9/10
The Flame in the Flood is a traveling survival game. If you’ve played the survival genre, you’ll know what to expect. You’ll need to search for supplies so you can build tools and weapons to help keep you alive. As usual, there are a lot things you can build and you’re forced to make difficult decisions with your very limited amount of supplies. However, it’s the story that sets this survival game apart from others. You play as a young girl named Scout (along with her companion, Aesop the dog) in the ruins of America after a devastating flood. Your goal is to reach a rumored safe haven and the only way to get there is by taking a raft down the raging flood waters. You’ll have to frequently stop on land for supplies in order to maintain your food, water, body temperature and sleep. This, of course, presents danger as every opportunity for supplies is also an opportunity for death. Don’t go bear hunting unprepared!
PROS- I just love the vibe of this game. I’m probably biased; after all I’m a bit of loner who spent years living on a boat with a dog so this game probably speaks to me more than most. They do amazing job creating a depressing, post-flood world filled with ruined civilizations and infrequent encounters with other survivors who all seem to be barely hanging on to their lives and their sanity. The meeting with the feral children was downright unsettling. When you finally reach safety, you really feel like you’ve accomplished something. This video is a great example of the vibe I’m talking about:
CONS– As with most survival games, your fate can turn in an instant if you’re injured and don’t have the solution readily available among your supplies. You’ll die a lot and be forced to start over as you learn the best methods of survival.
CONCLUSION- The Flame in the Flood is currently $2.99 on Steam so there’s no reason not to buy it. I’ll leave you with some tips so you don’t die so often in the beginning: make a knife out of flint and start catching rabbits with snares. They’ll give you food and you can make warmer clothes and pouches out of their hides. And trust your dog! He’ll spot supplies and danger that you didn’t notice. Hang in there because the end is worth it. It took me about a dozen tries before I made it.
There you have it. I’ve also been doing some board gaming so look for that blog coming soon.
Until Next Time,
Rogue Hippo